《Purple Qi Coming from the East》 Dragon Head Purple Crystal Bracelet with Divine Encounters



♥ Peace and Health ♥ Blessings ♥ Abundance ♥ Warding off Evil ♥
About Jiuzilihuo
Nine Purple Fire refers to nine specific flames, each of which represents a different element and direction.
These flames are closely related to the Taoist Five Elements theory and are used in rituals such as Feng Shui layout, prayer, and exorcism.
The way they form and function is linked to the Taoist principles of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.
Jiuzilihuo is considered to be a special energy in the geographical environment that can change people’s fortune, health and wealth.
Wearing the Nine Purple Fire, may the flame in your heart burn forever, bring endless courage and enthusiasm, and protect you with safety, success, and good fortune.

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"Purple Qi Coming from the East" Dragon Head Bracelet

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