《The Five Wealth Gods》 Natural Cinnabar Wealth Attracting Bracelet for Men and Women



♥ Calm ♥ Concentration ♥ Blessings ♥ Ward off evil spirits ♥ About cinnabar Cinnabar, also known as cinnabar, cinnabar, red sand, and tribute sand, is a natural ore of mercury sulfide and has a bright red color. In Buddhist culture, cinnabar is often made into prayer beads and prayer beads. Used when reciting Buddhist scriptures. Cinnabar can calm people’s minds, help them concentrate better, and also help with sleep. At the same time, wearing a cinnabar bracelet can also enhance personal aura, reconcile yin and yang, and make the body healthier. ♥ Lucky ♥ Luck ♥ Career ♥ People About the Five-way God of Wealth The five-way God of Wealth collects the wealth from the southeast, northwest, middle and five roads. The East Green God of Wealth: Lord of perfect purification, elimination of diseases and misfortune, health and happiness of wealth. South Red God of Wealth: Lord of wealth of noble people and connections. West White God of Wealth: Masters the wealth of wisdom, brain and career. Northern Black God of Wealth: Masters wealth other than career. Zhonghuang God of Wealth: Masters positive wealth. The head of the God of Wealth controls the distribution of wealth in the world.

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